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Tailormade Products


Sensor Model: 
Smoke Detector

DFSL LADARS can  detect smoke in Indoor/Outdoor applications and therefore they may be used in a Dual Mode Application : HLS & Smoke Detection.


Sensor Model:   
GP-10 Main Attributes

Automatic – Self Adaptation to changing environment

Detection Performance – independent on environment and soil properties

Signal Processing : detection and false alarm rejection in real time at the sensor level

Option of Range Limitation (e.g. up to 5-6 m instead of maximum range of 10-15 m)


Sensor Model:
FGS-02 - Fence Guard system

Fence Guard system features dependable tuned piezoelectric sensors and zone processors with up to 100 sensors per zone.


Sensor Model:  Dense Laser Curtain (DLC)

The DLC is a tailor-made product. It creates a very dense Laser Curtain with a very high probability of detection.

It is based on the company designed Laser Range Finder(LRF). The high PRF & high resolution enables the detection of small and fast moving objects.

The DLC will be integrated according to the following block diagram and will create a linear array of LRFs which, subsequently,

The DLC can detect a 10 cm diameter cylindrical object crossing the laser curtain at a distance of about 5-10 m at a velocity of up to 250 m/sec.

The DLC will be designed to fit the customer application. 


Sensor Model:  

GLS20 is a wired network of seismic sensors. The signal generated by each geophone is analyzed by the on board circuit which performs an analog and digital signal processing. Subsequently, the results of the signal processing is passed to the main controller which performs a further signal processing and decides if the alarm is a legitimate one of a false alarm. The legitimate alarm and the exact intrusion (accuracy of 10 m) are transmitted to the Control Room. This novel concept greatly improves the detection , lower the false alarm rate and enable the operator to point , manually or automatically, any camera to the intrusion section.


Sensor Model:    

Dense laser curtin for vehicle velocity measureement at short ranges.

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